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June 24, 2015  We are adding to BSJM the defined maturity Corporate Bond fund that is in the Core Portfolio.  This is NOT your typical bond fund.  They hold bonds to maturity so you get the principle and interest back.  Try to get at $24.92.  You should hold this to maturity but you CAN sell at any time.

Here are some good Core Portfolio positions to buy right now—or ADD to your current positions:  PFLT and SDIV.  They have been steady producers.

PFLT:  A play on rising rates.

SDIV:  “It provides exposure to 100 companies worldwide that rank among the highest dividend yielding equity securities in the world.  It offers exposure to a broad range of sectors and countries, many on hard-to-access foreign exchanges.”

WMB another of our energy positions was a pleasant surprise when it skyrocketed higher the other day………….. we sold for a huge profit.

We are watching KMI Kinder Morgan for a possible buy in the energy sector.  Kinder has been trashed recently but if we can get KMI ‘on sale’, this would be a good position to buy.


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Readers:  Be sure YOU contribute to your 401K and also put money aside in a savings account.  Read this:

According to a survey of 1,000 adults released by Bankrate.com on Tuesday, nearly one in three (29%) American adults (that’s roughly 70 million) have no emergency savings at all — the highest percentage since Bankrate began doing this survey five years ago. What’s more, only 22% of Americans have at least six months of emergency savings (that’s what advisers recommend) — the lowest level since Bankrate began doing the survey.

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

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