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October 29. 2014.  Go to “Core Portfolio” for current holdings.  Hit the “Follow” button to get updates. 

(Update:  Going to hold off selling until after the elections tomorrow.  SELL PSEC  I have a profit in PSEC when dividends are included.  But it looks very weak and the long term trend is down.  Im getting out before this thing tanks.)

(Update Friday:  BUY COWNL at $25.15.  Exchange Traded Debt.  Buy SMALL position.  8% yield.  Do not pay more than $25.25.)

Continuing to hold all positions that we have owned in the Core Portfolio.  Oils are getting hit but I am not concerned.  We are long term investors and oil will go back up….eventually.  As mentioned earlier, I tried to get EMQ but it appears we missed it.)

We are in a short covering rally with low volume…..just a trading market.  NO new money.  Which is why I have been suggesting that you do not buy anything.

Right now we are just waiting for the elections.  If we get a pullback that forms a double bottom, we may have the opportunity to buy or add to positions.

Always watch the interest rates.  As long as they keep the rates very low, it is difficult for the market to head down.

If you do not own GGN which is our gold position, start watching.  You could get a huge buying opportunity if the dollar drops.

Entered BUY order for EMQ at $25.19 exchange traded debt.  This may NOT fill at the lower price but if we get lucky this is a good holding.


investyourself.com talking about Hillary:  So it doesn’t surprise me one iota that this shrew was quoted as saying to a Democrat rally that you shouldn’t buy the line that businesses creates jobs.  In fact she said “Don’t let anybody tell you it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs”  Okay then, who does, the tooth fairy? Oh that’s right, in your Marxist world, only the Government how knows best how to handle money and create jobs.


Book Recommendation.  The Corruption Chronicles.  Tom Fitton.  I thot this might be a another boring read.  BUT it’s exactly the opposite.  If you are interested in leaning more about how corrupt our government really is, read this.


Local business owners are complaining about slow sales.  So, why is that you say.  All you have to do is look at the chart below to get an understanding of why consumers are reducing spending……………………

…from the Federal Reserve.  It shows how real median household income in the United States has declined since the year 2000…

Don’t believe all that crap in the liberal press about how things are getting so much better.

So kids, what is today’s lesson?  Don’t let yourself get caught up in a declining lifestyle.  Ger EDUCATED.  And SAVE as much as you can, especially when you are young, and INVEST it wisely.  You will be very happy you did.

Real Median Household Income 2014


Harvard University on Wednesday provided new proof that the Democrats are going to be broadsided in Tuesday’s national elections as millennial voters, in a shocking shift, now prefer a Republican-controlled Congress and give President Obama his second lowest grade ever.

A new and massive poll of 2,029 18- to 29-year-olds from Harvard’s Institute of Politics just released found that of those who say they will “definitely be voting,” 51 percent want the GOP in charge, 47 percent favoring Democratic control.

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